Aims and Objectives of The American/International Gita Society
Founded in 1984, the International Gita Society (IGS) is a registered, non-profit, tax-exempt, spiritual institution in the United States of America under Section 501(c) (3) of the IRS Code.
Membership is free of charge and open to all. The Aims and Objectives of IGS include, but not limited to:
1. Publish and distribute, free if possible, The Bhagavad-Gita in simple and easy to understand languages, and put Gita in libraries, hotels, motels, schools, prisons and other public places.
2. Spread the Universal teachings of The Bhagavad-Gita and other Vedic scriptures in easy to understand languages by establishing branches of the Society in other countries to be named as: International Gita Society (IGS) of that country.
3. Provide support and guidance in establishing Gita Study and Discussion (Satsang) Groups, including a free Gita correspondence course.
4. Provide inspiration, cooperation, and support in the study and propagation of the Vedic knowledge, and other metaphysical sciences.
5. Endeavor to highlight and focus on similarities amongst scriptures and religions to promote the Universal Brotherhood of Humankind.
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