Bhagavad Gita Teachings
Working to the best of one's abilities without becoming attached to the fruits of work is called Karma-yoga.
- Bhagavad-gita 2.50
Meet Our Team
Dr. Ramananda Prasad , a 1959 Engineering graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur, India, obtained his M.S. degree from the University of Toronto, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois. He has his roots in Bihar (India) near Bodh Gaya.
He has worked in research, teaching, several Consulting Engineering firms, as well as State and Federal Governments in the U.S.A. He worked as a supervisor at the Western Division of the U.S. Navy before his retirement in year 2000.
He is also a professor (Emeritus, 2010) of Civil Engineering at the San Jose State University and an adjunct professor of Religion and Psychology at the Graduate College of the Union Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio. He has published several papers in the Journals of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Dr. Ramananda Prasad wishes to acknowledge the immeasurable contributions made to his spiritual life by his gurus under whose guidance he had an opportunity and privilege to start the study of the Gita and KriyaYoga. They are: Swami Prabhupada, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Dayananda Saraswati (of Saylorsburg, PA), Swami Harihar, and Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji.
Dr. Ramananda Prasad is the founding member of several non-profit organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area such as the Vedic Dharma Samaj that now runs the Fremont Hindu temple, Ramayan Sabha, and the Universal Yoga Center of San Francisco. He founded the International Gita Society in 1984 whose aim is to serve the humanity through the teachings of the Bhagwad Geeta and other non-Hindu scriptures, and to establish harmony between all cultures, races, religions, and faith of the world through the immortal teachings of all great masters, and major scriptures.
His English translation “The Bhagavad Gita (The Sacred Song)”, now in its Fourth Edition, has been translated in the following languages: Hindi, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Russian, Hebrew, German and Spanish and is available free on the internet. He also studies Astrology and conducts lectures, classes, Satsang on the Holy Gita.
He is helped by his wife Sadhana Prasad, a great devotee of Lord Shiva. He has one daughter, Mrs. Reeta Raina, married to Dr. Abhinav Raina, M.D.; and one son, Sanjay Prasad who helps IGS and works full time for a BioTech company in California.
Dr. Ramananda Prasad retired in March 2000 to devote full-time propagating the message of the Holy Gita with the help of a few like minded persons and no help from Hindu Temples in USA or any big organization/people. He is actively looking for like minded people in India, USA and elsewhere to continue the work of spreading the immortal nectar of the Gita.
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